- 論文の詳細を見る
The magnetic domain control of an Ni_<50>Fe_<50> electroplating film was investigated by conducting an experiment on a prototype Ni_<50>Fe_<50> stripe film plated onto a photoresist stripe layer.The hard cured photoresist layer shrank as a result of annealing. The shrinkage of the photoresist layer produced a compressive stress on the electroplating film. A closure domain structure could be obtained on the condition that the compressive stress produced by the shrinkage of the photoresist layer was higher than the tensile stress of the electroplating film.We applied this domain control technique to a thin-film head and obtained a closure domain structure in the upper magnetic core.This head had good properties in the high frequency range.
- 社団法人日本磁気学会の論文
- 2000-04-15
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