サイリスタバルブ用アノードリアクトル磁心 : パワーエレクトロニクス用粉末磁心の開発動向
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For high reliability and effective operation of electric power systems, power electronic technologies are being increasingly applied in power converters, such as the thyristor valves used in high-voltage dc (HVDC)transmission, 50-60 Hz link, and back-to-back. The thyristor valves consist of many thyristor modules, in which anode reactors are key components. The reactors protect the thyristors from turn-on stress and surges. This paper describes some required properties of the anode reactor core material, and outlines a newly developed magnetic powder core material for the anode reactors.
- 社団法人日本磁気学会の論文
- 1998-02-01
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- サイリスタバルブ用アノードリアクトル磁心 : パワーエレクトロニクス用粉末磁心の開発動向
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