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In recent years, PCBs (printed-circuit boards) are widely employed to achieve compact, lightweight electrical devices. PCB inspection, however, is not simple because of the complex circuit structures implemented. One nondestructive test used in PCB inspection is to measurement of the electromagnetic fields integral to circuit operation. Estimating the field sources from the measured fields becomes useful and important information not only for checking specification values but also for resolving EMC/EMI problems. The current viewer discussed here enables direct visualization of the current distributions in PCBs. We designed a vector current viewer that combines two current viewers orthogonally, and we verified its usefulness for visualizing the magnitude, as well as direction, of currents using Lissajous diagrams. For efficient implementation, the present paper proposes a vector current viewer array system incorporating a computer, analog-to-digital converter, and vector current viewer array. A simple prototype of the vector current viewer array system demonstrates its usefulness for visualizing current distribution on planar electric circuits.
- 社団法人日本磁気学会の論文
- 2003-04-01
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