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Traditional approaches to learning from classified examples for knowledge acquisition may be divided into two categories: artificial intelligence approaches (e.g., ID3) and pattern recognition approaches (e.g., neural network). Most artificial intelligence approaches are designed to treat symbolic information, while they are weak in treating noisy quantitative data. Conversely, most pattern recognition approaches are designed to treat noisy quantitative data, while they are weak in treating symbolic information. Both approaches have strengths and weaknesses based on principles used. This paper presents a new approach to knowledge acquisition systems located between artificial intelligence approaches and pattern recognition approaches. Our knowledge acquisition system is based on the Cartesian space model (CSM) which is a mathematical model to treat symbolic data where each sample is described not only by quantitative features but also qualitative and structural features. Our system is composed of six subsystems: pattern categorizer, event generator, feature selector, production rule generator, inference engine, and graphic subsystem. If we have no class concepts before hand, the pattern categorizer can generate the class concepts automatically. The pattern categorizer uses a hierarchical conceptual clustering based on the generalized Minkowski metrics on the CSM. Our classification method uses a region oriented approach, and the approach is realized by the event generator in our system. The event generator produces the regions called events which describe each pattern class. If a test sample is included only in events for a pattern class, the sample is decided to come from the class. An event is reduced to a rectangular form when each sample is based only on quantitative information. In our method, some test samples are rejected to assign class name, when the samples are not included in any event. In this case, our system can suggest the nearest pattern class by using functions similar to fuzzy membership functions. We compare our knowledge acquisition system to the ID3 symbolic learning system and the backpropagation neural network learning system based on some simple examples. Our knowledge acquisition system is useful as a tool to support knowledge engineers.
- 社団法人人工知能学会の論文
- 1996-01-01
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