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Introduction 1. The age of co-production 2. The patterns of co-production 3. The rules of co-production Conclusion The agency delegated function was abolished by enforcing Decentralization of Power Law in 2000, the authority of administrative divisions and cities, towns, and villages was expanded, and the local system reform that secured the group autonomy started. However, the resident self-governance that is an important element of the principal object of the home rule has not been secured. In the last decade, the movement of the co-production has spread to nationwide various places. Above all, municipalities adopt co-production method to make a decision about Comprehensive Plan. In this article, the case with Mitaka city and Hachioji City is introduced as a pattern of co-production, and it introduces the enactment process of the citizens participation ordinance that aims at the institutionalization of the co-production done in Kunitachi city.
- 2005-05-15
論文 | ランダム
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