- 論文の詳細を見る
Bacterial growth is inhibited in a glucose-glucose oxidase mixture due to hydrogen peroxide produced in the mixture. When the initial concentrations of glucose and the enzyme are chosen appropriately, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide will be kept low to inhibit bacterial growth, and can easily be reduced to zero whenever it must be removed. For investigation of the practicality of this method, Escherichia coli K12 was cultivated in a meat extract medium that contained glucose and the enzyme. The lag-time of growth of E.coli changed depending on the initial concentrations of glucose and the enzyme, but the growth rate in the logarithmic growth phase was not affected. The effect of lag-time elongation was exproved by a mathematical model. Lag-times computed with the model were in fair agreement with the results of cultivation experiments. By use of the model, suitable minimum initial concentrations of glucose and the enzyme to inhibit microbial growth for the desired period could be calculated. The method was effective when tested on pasty foods.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1994-01-01
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