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Chloride secretion in the intestine is important in many kinds of diarrhoea. We investigated the effects of wasabi (Wasabia japonica MATSUM) on chloride secretion in the distal colon of guinea pigs by measuring short-circuit current in Ussing chamber system. Water extracts of wasabi stems were treated with ether to remove lipid-soluble substances, and the resulting wasabi extract was studied. Wasabi extract on the serosal side of the colon reduced basal short-circuit current. The extract reduced the increases in short-circuit current caused by serotonin added to the serosal side and by electrical field stimulation as well. In the presence of tetrodotoxin, wasabi extract reduced the increase in short-circuit current by bethanechol, but in the presence of both tetrodotoxin and indomethacin it did not affect this increase. In the presence of both tetrodotoxin and indomethacin, the effects of forskolin together with bethanechol were not affected by wasabi extract. These results indicate that wasabi extract can inhibit intestinal chloride secretion by inhibiting submucosal secreto-motor nerves and prostaglandin synthesis. Wasabi extract may therefore have an antidiarrhoeal effect.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1998-04-01
鈴木 裕一
鈴木 裕一
静岡県立大学 薬学部医薬生命化学教室
中山 洋
鈴木 敏博
鈴木 敏博
鈴木 裕一
静岡県立大学 生活健康科学研究科 人体生理学研究室
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