O-43 A Case of "Heterotopic Risorius Muscle (an assumed name)"
Iwasaki H.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Institute Of Clinical Medicine And Institute Of Health And S
Kinoshita K.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
Ohjimi H.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Fukuoka University Hospital
Ohjimi Y.
Department Of Pathology Fukuoka University School Of Medicine
Shiratake Y.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Fukuoka University Hospital
Shiratake Y.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Fukuoka University Hospital
- Observation of hindered E2 strength in ^C(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 24pZF-3 Missing mass spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient ^O nucleus in inverse kinematics
- Study of High-spin States in ^Ti by the Secondary Fusion Reaction(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 186 Antenatal diagnosis of discordant twin by ultrasonography and velocimetry of umbilical artery.
- 163 Estimation of the Incidence and the Abortion Rate in Habitual Aborters.
- 107 A case report of ovarian immature teratoma with N-myc gene amplification.
- 110 Blockage of the Umbilical Blood Flow of Acardiac Monster in Utero.
- 162 Basic consideration about intrauterine curative therapy for twin transfusion syndrome.
- 82 Relationship between the onset of dysmenorrhea and histological findings in adenomyosis.
- 52 A New Criteria to Choose a Bromocriptine Therapy.
- 27 Sperm penetration test using hamster frozen ova : correlation between sperm motion parameters by Computer assisted semen analyser.
- 101 Is it true that poly cystic ovary syndrome is one of the indications of bromocriptine?.
- 220 The role of Interleukin 1 in human amniotic fluids.
- 130 Overcoming of natural resistance of ovarian clear cell carcinoma by calcium antagonist in vitro.
- 108. Bromocriptine Step-up Trial for Dysfunctional Ovary Due to Inadequate Secretion of PRL
- 411. Selection of Effective Antitumor Agents against Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma in Comparison with Other Adenocarcinomas in vitro
- 101. Morphologic Development and Functional Changes of Natural Killer (NK) Cells in Feto-maternal Relationship
- 16 . Correlation between Cell Membrane Fluidity and the Effects of Anti-tumor Agents
- 99. Heterogeneity of Chemosensitivity on the Established Cell Line in vitro
- 294.A Comparative Study on Anti-tumor Effect of Various Steroid Hormones in vitro : XXXXIX Malignant Tumor(IX)
- 286.A Functional and Therapeutic Effects of Peritoneal Mactophages in Patients of Gynecologic Malignant Neoplasmas : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- Exercise-induced hyperthermia causes fetal malformations : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Tokyo, Japan, July 8-10, 1992
- Is there a causal relationship between trisomy 21 and holoprosencephaly? : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Izumo, Japan, July 11-12, 1991
- 437 Hyperuricemia and hyperactivity of leukocytes in PIH cases.
- 447 Fetal Weight Estimation Using Similar Cases Based on the Fuzzy Theory.
- 325 Inhibitory effect of L-Dopa on the acceleration of prolactin secretion during exercise.
- 125 The mechanism of decreasing circulating leukocyte in toxemia of pregnancy in comparison with normal pregnancy.
- 107 Effect of maternal exercise on the fetal heart rate.
- Diagnosis and management of hydrocephalus by MRI : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society, Yamagata, Japan July 13 - 14
- 507 Pulsatile release of gonadotropins in athletic women.
- 91 Analysis of Maternal and Fetal Blood Rheological Factors.
- 451. Effect of Naloxone on Prolactin Release during Incremental Exercise
- 349. Stress Fracture of Female Athletes and Menstrual Dysfunction
- 164. Fetal Scalp Transcutaneous pO_2 and pCO_2 Monitoring during Labor
- 89. Direct Fetal ECG Monitoring in Utero
- 312. A Renal Biopsy Study on Preeclampsia and its Remote Prognosis
- 274. Regulation Mechanisms of Prolactin Release during Exercise
- 224. Intra-water Management of Goat Fetuses with Membrane Oxygenator by A-V Bypass and V-A Bypass
- 279. Hormonal Changes during Exercise in Athletic Women
- 308.Reproductive Physiology in Female College Athletes : XXXXXII Adolescence Climacterium and Postmenopause(I)
- 243.On the Accuracy of Variability Measurement : XXXXI ME(IV)
- 236. Evaluation of Guthmann and Martius Films by Means of Interactive Minicomputer
- 180. Evaluation of Guthmann-film by means of Interactive Minicomputer System
- 164. Fetal Blood Sampling by Liver Puncture
- 275.New Technique for Prenatal Diagnosis; Fetoscopy : XXXXVI Diagnosis and Examination(IV)
- Trisomy 13 detected with a findings of intracardiac echogenic foci : A case report
- A case of Proteus syndrome(Oral Session)(Japanese Teratology Society 43rd Annual Meeting)
- O-43 A Case of "Heterotopic Risorius Muscle (an assumed name)"
- 210 Differences of Natural Frequency between Conventional Cut-off Wheel and Wheels with Slits