- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aimed to examine the distraction-conflict theory presented by Sanders, G.S. which explains social facilitation in terms of subject's cognitive processes. From his theory follow three testable hypotheses: (1) the conflict between attention to the task and the distraction during performance would facilitate simple task performance through producing drive effects: (2) task performance with the coactor performing the different task would not be facilitated because of the impossibility to obtain comparison information about one's task performance with the coactor's: (3) more attention to the distraction than that to the task would impair simple task performance. 19 male and 16 female subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following four experimental conditions, that is, performing simple task alone, simple task with the auditory distraction, different task from the coactor's, and different task from the coactor's with the auditory distraction produced by the coactor. Results supported the first hypothesis, while the second was not at all and the third was only partially confirmed. These results suggested the necessity to reexamine the distraction-conflict theory.
- 1989-03-15
- 顔情報データベースFIND : ―日本人の顔画像データベース構築の試み―
- 顔情報データベース構築の基礎的検討(3) : 表情画像の認知的評価とデータベースの信頼性について
- 顔情報データベース構築の基礎的検討(3) : 表情画像の認知的評価とデータベースの信頼性について(顔とコミュニケーション及び一般)
- 顔情報データベース構築の基礎的検討(2) : 撮影環境と検索インターフェイスについて(社会心理学とコミュニケーション及び一般)
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