警察に対する高校生の態度 : 北米における決定因子に関する諸研究との比較を中心として
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1. Introduction This paper examines the attitudes which senior highschool students in Japan have toward the police and the determinants of these attitudes. 2. The Data The data for the present study were gathered from students of two senior highschools located in the medium-sized cities (populations of 240,000 and 110,000 respectively) of the eastern Japan, through the use of anonymous questionnaires. The sample consisted of 1,283 students. 3. The Variables (1) Contacts with the Police Students were asked to answer with "yes" or "no" to a series of questions designed to ascertain what contacts with the police they have experienced. Contacts examined were : (a) law enforcement related contacts, including stop or caution by police officers, (b) social service related contacts, including assistance by police officers and lost and found, (c) contacts with the police as victims, and (d) informal contacts. The students were asked whether any of their parents or relatives were police officers. (2) Victimization Students were asked to answer whether they and/or their households had become victims of crime within recent twelve months. (3) Permissibility to Deviant Behavior Students were asked whether they permitted themselves to commit ten kinds of "deviant behavior," including smoking, drinking, shoplifting, riding motor-bicycle without license, and others. (4) Proper Sanction to Deviant Behavior Students were asked to reply what sanction to the same kinds of "deviant behavior" as mentioned above they think unavoidable, if these were committed by their classmates. (5) Sex (6) Grade (10 th or 11 th) (7) Residence (cities, towns or villages) (8) Attitude toward the Police The attitude which the sample held toward the police, the dependent variable, was measured by means of a 8-item Likert type scale. The scale includes four positive and four negative statements, each requiring the sample to choose one of five response categories from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." 4. Findings Correlation coefficients among variables were examined using SAS. Major findings are listed below. (1) Students who had experienced stop or caution by the police have negative ATP. (2) Victimization of the samples and their families is correlated to negative ATP. (3) Students who are permissive to deviant behaviors have negative ATP. (4) Students who consider milder sanctions to deviant behaviors more appropriate have negative ATP. (5) Male students have more negative ATP than female students. (6) No correlation between ATP and grade or residence was found. 5. lmplications The result shows the importance of experiences with the police. Other attitudes owned by the students are also important.