逸脱の可視化 : 「犯罪事件」のニュースへの転化
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This paper aims at considering the subjective aspect of news organization as a definer of deviance. This study is based on the research interviews with reporters and editors working in newspaper companies done in 1987. In this paper, news is viewed as a "social reality" constructed by news organization. The main purpose of this paper is to consider the structure and social meaning of the so-called criminal reporting, focusing on the process of news making activities. Firstly, news selection process is examined in view of articulating factors sustaining newsworthiness. Second, news work is analyzed in terms of organizational work and its relationships with the source organization. Finally, function of criminal reporting, that is, visualizing deviance by the media (newspaper) is discussed. Newsworthiness is a measure for selection of news, and the judgement is not only based on the action but also on the attributes and careers of the actor. News story as reality is constructed by news organization based on the definition by the source organization (the Police). In the process of news making, major social norm and value system are used so that the news story makes sense for the readers. Telling the boundary between deviance and control, news on "criminal case" legitimatize the police action and lead the readers to follow the ideology of the order of control.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文