法の社会的形成 : 精神衛生法改正の事例研究 (<特集>II 立法過程の社会学)
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The so-called Reischauer's Incident, in which Professor Edwin O. Reischauer, the then U. S. Ambassador, was attacked by a Japanese "schizo-pluenic" youth in 24 March 1964 accelerated the revision of Mental Health Act in Japan. The press insisted the importance of supervising mentally disordered persons. The Government tried to propose revision of the mental health law in order to maintain public peace under such circumstances. But the government faced the counter-action of the psychiatrists. Curiously enough, the press played the role of preventing the revision, by aiding the psychiatrist group in counter-acting against the Government. It was on 1 June 1965 that the revision of Mental Health Act was passed at the Congress through the deliberate consideration of the Committee of the Welfare Ministry. It can be said that the press had played the double edged role in the process of the revision of the Act. The aim of this essay is to describe and analyse the role of the press.
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