覚せい剤乱用少年の実態とその背景 (<特集>I 覚せい剤事犯の動向と処遇)
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This report is an analysis of the statistical data and a case study on stimulant drug offences committed by juvenjils. From analysis of the statistical data on the stimulant drug cases referred to Tokyo Family Court, and from the case study of two juveniles who habitually used stimulant drugs, following characteristics were found among these juveniles. 1. They can not control effectively their passion, and 2. They are socially imnature. There is a problem of parents-children behind these characteristics. Because of this problem, these juveniles have difficulties at school and at their working places. It is evident that the habitual usage of the drugs brought about keeping irregular hours which was a cause to quit school and a job. It was also proved that the drug abuse triggered bad companionship such as members of gangster groups and other addicts, and that drug abuse promoted escape from his real life for searching pleasure. Drug abuse offence has close relation with activities of gangster groups which have influence on the market and have intention to enlarge it. It is easily understood that juveniles who are curious about everything and can not control themselves can be victimized. Therefore, it is important to understand the drug problem not merely as a personal problem but also as a social problem.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
- 中谷瑾子編, 『女性犯罪』, A5判, 362頁, 4,000円, 立花書房, 昭和62年
- 覚せい剤乱用少年の実態とその背景 (I 覚せい剤事犯の動向と処遇)
- 現代における女子非行の動向と背景(女性犯罪の諸問題)