市民による野宿者「問題」の認知とその「解決」 (課題研究 司法と福祉)
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Recently "Nojyuku-sya (homeless people in Japan) problem" has become one of major issues in Japanese metropolitan area. In January, 1996, we made a broad survey of citizen's attitude toward "Nojyuku-sya" in Osaka. According to the data gathered from this survey, most citizens of Osaka obtain any images of "Nojyuku-sya" in their everyday life, and definite opinion about "strategy" to meet this problem. Two "ideal types" of strategy were extracted from these data. One is "Control strategy", and the other is "Welfare Strategy". Control strategy is the way that mobilize police forces to remove "Nojyuku-sya" from neighboring area of citizens. On the contrary, welfare strategy is to support lives of "Nojyuku-sya" by means of various welfare programs. Which strategy do citizens prefer is largely determined by images of "Nojyuku-sya" they have. In this report, for the first, I attempt to estimate volumes of citizens prefer each strategy. Next, I attempt to make clear relationship between citizen's perception of "Nojyuku-sha" and the strategy that citizens choice to "solve" this problem. And, the aim of this report is to identify the marginal position of "Nojyuku-sya" in contemporary urban society and to clarify their difficult situations caused by citizen's prejudice against "Nojyuku-sha".
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