児童虐待問題への一視点 : 児童相談所介入例の調査を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
We report the analysis of the research for 419 child abuse cases treated from january 1992 to march 1994, by 27 Child Guidance Centers which approved our request for the research to this subject, and also report the research for 42 cases treated in same time by Tokyo Child Abuse Protect Center as a control group. We analyzed these subjects typing 4 types as follows. (1) sexual abuse 35 cases (2) physical violence 156 cases (3) physical violence + other abuses 121 cases (4) other abuses (neglect, emotional abuse etc.) 107 cases As the results of this analysis, it was revealed that there were multi problems as poverty, low school career, joblessness, divorce, or alcholic intoxication etc. in the background of the families of these child abuse cases. Especially, type (3) cases had more problems than others. These cases are the cases relieved by the help of Child Guidance Center. These family problems can be said the conditions to be relieved by the side of welfare. It is supposed that much dark figure of child abuse problems kept out of sight in Japan. The most important way to relieve children abused in home is thought to find the way revealling these children.
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- 児童虐待問題への一視点 : 児童相談所介入例の調査を通して
- 刑法学と犯罪学