- 論文の詳細を見る
This study attemts to explore the effect of the abandonment of the goal of entering college or university and the negative self conception on the delinquency among junior high and senior high school students under the conditions of the anomie of school career. Data are gathered from the result of questionnaire surveys conducted in 1992. Samples are 569 juvenile delinquents (430 boys and 139 girls) and 996 non juvenile delinquents (398 boys and 598 girls) among junior high and senior high school students. The main findings are as follows. 1. The abandonment of the goal of entering college functions to juvenile delinquency promtingly. Though noticed concerning the delinquent development among juvenile delinquents, too, this is more obvious concerning the delinquency involvement among non juvenile delinquents. 2. The particular factors of the abandonment of the goal of entering college among juvenile delinquents are as follows: recognizing the esteem of self by teachers as not good, negative self-esteem, truant behavior in boys; recognizing impossibility of becoming the person required by society in girls. 3. concerning the negative self conception, the function promting delinquency of negative self-esteem is noticed obviously in both boys and girls especially. 4. As the particular factors of the negative self-esteem in the juvenile delinquents, recognization of the following and truant behavior are identified in boys: impossibility of spending the happy life or making the most of talent or ability, and parent's not expecting their child to enter college. 5. Generally, the abandonment of the goal of entering college and negative self-esteem promt delinquency involvement among non juvenile delinquents and the delinquent development among juvenile delinquents independently but simultaneously. 6. Under the conditions of the anomie of school career, the abandonment of the goal of entering college and negative self-esteem promt the delinquency among students by combining with labeling of "the person who is no good," "dame ningen," which is made from unified estimation of person owing to deviation score.
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