- 論文の詳細を見る
Yeast cells immobilized with Al alginate, which has Al ions for the Ca of Ca alginate, had improved stability and mechanical strength, the effective diffusivity of glucose in Al alginate was decreased. The relationship between the effective diffusivity, (De), and the concentration of Na alginate, (Ca), is shown as follows : De/Do=1.00-1.32×10^<-2>Ca+9.52×10^<-5>Ca Here Do is a reference diffusivity. The rate of glucose consumption per unit weight of cells in the immobilized growing yeast cells was decreased because the resistance of mass transfer of the immobilized growing yeast cells was increased by the growth of the yeast, and the yeast cells on the surface of the immobilized particles almost consumed the glucose. But the rate of glucose consumption per unit volume of immobilized particles was higher than that of the immobilized resting yeast cells because the concentration of yeast cells in the gel was increased.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1989-07-25
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