充てん塔式ろ床法における設計, 運転パラメータの浄化効率に及ぼす影響 : 充てん塔式ろ床法による有機性廃水の処理(第1報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The organic waste water treatment process with the tower-type packed biofilter or the modified conventional trickling filter is relatively simple to operate and control. The area of installatioin is much smaller than that of the other biological processes. Synthetic waste water (0.17 kg COD/m^3/day) was recirculated (at 600 ml/min) through the packed biofilter (1.5 m in height and 0.1 m in diam.) packed with small rounded stones, and was replaced every day for about a month. This recirculation (or batch) process was effective for the attachment and maintenance of the biofilm on stones or the actual treatment of the waste water.COD removal capacity of the biofilter was 1.2 to 1.4 kg COD/m^3/day for the recirculation process, as high as that of other biological processes. The hydraulic loading applied to the biofilter was high (36 to 110 m^3/m^2/day), causing different flow conditions in the biofilter to those in the conventional trickling filter.Effects of several parameters (hydraulic loading, organic loading, filter depth, and forced ventilation of some gases) on the COD removal efficiency were quantitatively similar to the results reported for the conventional trickling filter. With high hydraulic loading (36 m^3/m^2/day) applied to the 1.5 m biofilter, COD removal was insufficient (about 50%). In order to apply a hydraulic loading higher than 36 m^3/m^2/day and to treat the organic waste water successfully without recirculation, it is suggested that a considerably deep biofilter, that is, a tower-type packed biofilter, would have to be constructed.Natural-draft ventilation failed to maintain the aerobic conditions throughout the 1.5 m biofilter, and an unpleasant smell resulted. When air or oxygen was drafted up through the biofilter at 90 m^3/m^2/day, the concentratioin of dissolved oxygen was more than 2.0 ppm and the bad smell disappeared. However, COD removal efficiency was unrelated to the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the outlet waste water, and hence the populations of facultative or anaerobic bacteria may have played as important a role as aerobic bacteria in the natural ventilation biofilter. When the tower-type packed biofilter is operated under high loading, a rate of ventilatioin of at least 90 m^3/m^2/day would be required to prevent it from the plugging, ponding channeling and producing a bad smell.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1977-05-25
藤尾 雄策
三分一 政男
上田 誠之助
上田 誠之助
藤尾 雄策
吉原 一年
吉原 一年
三分一 雅男
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