- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of death awareness of the senescent, comparing them with those of the adolescent and the middle age groups and explore how to provide death education. A questionnaire survey was undertaken using the Death Concern Scale with the senescent (n=245, age 65 or over), the adolescent (n=627, age between 19 and 29) and the middle age groups (n=243, age between 30 and 64). The factor analysis yielded five factors, where the score of ”thinking about death” and ”anxiety and fear of death” were both higher for the senescent females than for the senescent males. There were also significant differences among the three groups in the score on ”thinking about death” as well as between the adolescent and senescent groups in the score of ”anxiety and fear of death”. Based on the five factors, the Covariance Structure Model was prepared for each group. We found that there were significant differences in the relationships between factors in each model. The results of this study suggested some review and adjustment of death education for the senescent.
- 山口大学医学会の論文
- 2001-12-31
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