- 論文の詳細を見る
Our university hospital was struck by a severe typhoon and hospital function was severely damaged. Here we report the damage of the department of central supply and how we reestablished its function. On the day of typhoon visit, the area of the building controlling supply of energy, water, steam, gas, compressed air, etc. was submerged. The stock of the sterilized medical instruments appeared to be enough to cover only for two days. Since there was no outlook of recovery of damaged function, disposable instruments were checked and prepared for emergency use. Sterilization of used instruments were done in the other hospitals that were saved from the disaster. The emergency electricity became available within several days but the procedures of sterilization was extremely difficult in an environment without air conditioning, and only done with tremendous efforts of the staff. It took weeks for the whole function to be recovered. Future tasks for adequate functioning of the central supply in such disaster as experienced may include the establishment of the backup system in the hospital as well as the establishment of the network through which the hospitals in the area can help each other.
- 山口大学医学会の論文
- 2001-10-31
坂部 武史
坂部 武史
坂部 武史
坂部 武史
山口大学医学部附属病院 麻酔科蘇生科
井東 光枝
山口大学医学部附属病院 看護部
三村 豊子
吉田 幸広
吉田 幸広
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