- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper it was reported that a ninhydrin-positive substance (NPS) is produced in a modified Czapek's medium, in which NaNO 3 was replaced by an amino acid, inoculated with several plant pathogenic fungi. NPS is produced non-bio1ogically in the modified Czapek-tryptophan medium when the medium was adjusted at pH 2.8 or 4.8, whereas it was not produced non-biologica11y at higher hydrogen-ion concentrations, 7.0, 9.0 and 11.O. NPS was produced in the same medium even at high hydrogen-ion concentrations, 6.8, 7.2, 8.2 and 9.O, when inoculated with plant pathogenic fungi such as Alternaria kikuchiana, CladosPorium herbarum and Colletotrichum dematium. In order to check the non-biological production of NPS at the acidic micro-environmentsdis tributed 1oca11y on the myce1ial surface in 1iquid medium, silica gel particles were added, in place of fungal myce11um, to the medium and the production of NPS was tested, however, no NPS was detected. These results indicate that NPS is produced by the fungi through some metabo1ic process. NPS is produced in the medium within two days, reaching its maximum about 6th day after inoculation, at a wide pH range, from 6.8 to 9.O. In order to identify NPS, its behavior on thin layer chromatography was compared with those of artificia11y synthesized N-glycosides. The result indicated that NPS contains fructose as sugar moiety.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
- イネごま葉枯病菌の脂質について
- (102) 黄化ニホンシバから検出された裂片状菌足を持つ外生菌糸について (日本植物病理学会大会)
- (32) 染色体数の異なるBotrytis allii菌株間での諸性質の比較 (昭和63年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- (32) Botrytis属菌の染色体 (昭和62年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会講演要旨)
- (69) Botrytis cinerea の胞子発芽時における核行動の光顕観察 (昭和62年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- コダチルリマツリの1抗かび成分, プルンバギンについて
- (36) Ceratostigma willmottianum の抗カビ成分について (関西部会講演要旨)
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- アミノ酸含有培地に植物病原菌を培養した場合に生産される未知ニンヒドリン陽性物質(2)