線虫と他の微生物とによる Disease complex : 第1報 土壌中におけるネグサレセンチュウ (Pratylenchus spp.) の Fusarium spp. に対する行動
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the actions of root-lesion nematodes, pratylenchus spp., responses to Fusarium spp. in the soil were observed. (1) When the colony of Fusarium spp. was inoculated into soil infested with p. penetrans homogeneously, the nematode distributions varied ununiformly, and nematodes accumulated within the soil block (Sample A) which existed about the fungus colony; the most extreme occurred when F. oxysporum was inoculated. Ratio of nematodes recovered from Sample A increased 69.2% compared with 50.0% in check 144 hours after inoculation. When F. oxysporum f. lycopersici or F. roseum f. cerealis was inoculated, the accumulations of nematode in Sample A were lower than when F. oxysporum was present When the colony of Fusarium sp. was inoculated into soil infested with P. coffeae, the nematode distributions varied similarly as in the former results, and the ratio of nematodes recovered from Sample A increased 73.0%. (2) When the culture filtrate of Fusarium spp. was inoculated into soil infested with P.penetrans, the nematode distributions varied ununiformly, and the accumulations of nematode occurred in the soil block (Sample A') which existed about the culture filtrate of F. oxysporum or F.roseum f. cerealis. Ratio of nematodes recovered from Sample A' increased 68.3% to F. oxysporum and 62.0% to F. roseum f.cerealis 144 hours after inoculation. (3) When the colony of Fusarium spp. and the suspension of P. penetrans were inoculated in each different position of sterilized soil simultaneously, the nematodes responsed to existing recovered from the soil block (Sample B") which existed about the colony of F. oxysporum increased 35.7% compared with 16.3% in check 144 hours after inoculation. The actions of nematode to F. roseum f.cerealis were milder than those to F. oxysporum, and the ratio of nematodes recovered from Sample B" indicated 25,8%. When Fusarium sp. and P. coffeae were inoculated into sterilized soil as formerly described, the actions of nematode to Fusarium sp. were extreme and the ratio of nematodes recovered from Sample B" increased 36.1% compared with 15.2% in check. (4) When the culture filtrate of Fusarium spp. and the suspension of P. penetrans were inoculated in each different position of sterilized soil simultaneously, the actions of nematode to Fusarium spp. showed the same tendency as when fungus colony was inoculated, but they were milder generally.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1965-01-30
- Chaetomium globosumの生産する抗菌性物質
- トマト幼苗におけるPratylenchus属線虫と萎ちょう病菌とによる複合病の発現
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- 124 畑水稲の連作とイネシストセンチュウの消長(線虫学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会分科会)
- トマト幼苗におけるネコブセンチュウと萎ちょう病菌とによる複合病に関する研究 : II.発病にいたる感染の経過
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- トマト幼苗におけるネコブセンチュウと萎ちょう病菌とによる複合病に関する研究 : I.発病ならびに品種間差異
- (18) ネコブセンチュウとの混合感染におけるFusarium菌の寄主範囲の変動 (秋季関東部会)
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- 線虫と他の微生物とによる Disease complex : 第1報 土壌中におけるネグサレセンチュウ (Pratylenchus spp.) の Fusarium spp. に対する行動
- (27) ジャガイモのいもぐされ線虫病と Fusarium spp. との関係 (ムギ類,雑穀,イモ類の病害(昭和39年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
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- 線虫病と他病害との複合病に関する一連の研究
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