牡丹の枝枯病とその病原菌Pestalotia paeoniicola sp. nov.について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. This paper deals with results of some physiologial, pathological and also taxonomical studies on the causal fungus of twig blight of tree peony. The fungus was collected at first by the senior writer at Akita City, on March 15, 1952. The disease is of much economic importance but noone has yet studied about it. 2. The writers give new name Pestalotia paeoniicola Tsukamoto et Hino to the causal fungus, and propose a common name, twig blight of tree peony for the disease. 3. The first symptom of the disease is indicated by numerous, scattered, dark blackish, minute points produced on the bark of living branches. Then the infected bark becomes to gray in colour. Eventually, all the diseased brances dry out. 4. Optimum temperature of the mycelial growth of the fungus at 28° to 30℃, minimum at 8°to 10℃, maximum about 33℃, it does not grow above 35℃ and 5℃., spores are produced from 15°to 35℃, the optimum temperature 28°to 30℃. Optimum hydrogen-ion concentration for the growth of the fungus on potato agar is pH 5.6 to 5.7.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1956-12-25
- (12) テッセンの蔓枯症とこれから分離されたPestalotiopsis菌について (昭和62年度地域部会講演要旨(東北部会講演要旨)
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- (125) 数種の学界未知又は日本新の有用植物寄生菌 (菌類の病類(昭和33年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
- (112) 房すぐりの茎枯症を起すMacrophoma sp.について (果樹・蔬菜の病害(昭和32年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
- 牡丹の枝枯病とその病原菌Pestalotia paeoniicola sp. nov.について
- (67) 牡丹の枝枯病とその病原菌 Pestalotia paeoniicola sp. nov. について (昭和31年度大会)
- (66) 栗新梢枯死症状菌 Phoma sp. 及房すぐり茎枯症状菌 Phomopsis sp. について (昭和31年度大会)
- (119) Phoma属による花木の枝枯症状について (昭和30年度大会(2))
- (4) 牡丹の枝枯を起す三種の寄生菌(豫報) (昭和28年度秋季関東部会)
- 東北地方における有用植物の寄生菌類について