- 論文の詳細を見る
In a serial transfer from insect to insect by means of injecting inoculation of plant-hopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen, rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSV) was successfully carried to the 6th group of insects. The calculated dilution of the final inoculum would be 10^<-17>, but the dilution end-point of RBSV in viruliferous insect juices was found to be below 10^<-15>. The serial passage provided direct evidence for multiplication of RBSV in its insect vectors. The infectivity of RBSV was detected in salivary glands, intestine, fat body, hemolymph and ovarian tubules in viruliferous insects, but not in brain, Malpighian tubules, and testis. The virus was recovered first from the intestine 10 days after acquisition feeding on diseased rice plants, from aslivary glands and hemolymph after 13 days, and from fat body after 16 days. Two kinds of spherical particles were found mixed in the virus fractions isolated from viruliferous insects. One of which, the isometric particles of 70 nm in diam., was also isolated from healthy insects and seemed to be latent virus of this insect vector. The other was 60 nm in diam. being morphologically identical with RBSV isolated from the diseased plants. The virus was recovered from roots as well as from leaves of the diseased rice plants. Infectivity of the expressed juice from vein portions of the diseased rice leaves was much higher than from interveinal portions. When rice plants were inoculated with this virus, the infectivity of the expressed juice of the infected plants rapidly increased within 2 weeks and reached a maximum in 22 to 30 days, and was stabilized at high level for a period from 40 to 110 days after inoculation. In contrast, the amount of virus particles isolated from infected rice plants increased gradually to reach a maximum in 63 to 90 days after inoculation. Rice and corn plants were highly susceptible to RBSV, but the virus contents, when purified from diseased rice or corn plants, were extremely low. With same purification procedures, the contents in diseased barley, wheat, and oat plants were much higher than those in diseased rice and corn plants.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1974-09-30
- オオムギ黄萎ウィルスの精製と血清反応
- イネ萎縮ウイルスの超微構造について
- ジャガイモ Y ウイルス外被タンパク質に対するモノクローナル抗体の重鎖および軽鎖遺伝子のクローニングと塩基配列
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- 免疫学的方法によるイネ萎縮病ウイルス罹病イネ中のウイルスRNAの検出
- 逆転写-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)を用いたホップ潜在ウイロイド(lJLVd)の検出
- (156) 植物ウイルス媒介昆虫の組織培養に関する研究 II (昭和45年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- ヒメトビウンカ, Laodelphax striatellus FALLEN胚子の組織培養
- (4) 植物ウイルス媒介昆虫の組織培養に関する研究 I (北海道部会講演要旨)
- イナズマヨコバイ胚子の組織培養
- (105) イネ黒条萎縮病ウイルスの電子顕微鏡的研究 (ウイルス病(昭和42年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
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- ウイロイドの遺伝子診断法 : ホップ矮化, カンキツエクソコーティス, リンゴさび果ウイロイドの実用的診断のためのリターン-PAGE 及び DIG 標識 DNA・RNA プローブを用いたハイブリダイゼーションの比較
- (292) イネ萎縮ウイルス(RDV)の全遺伝子構造解析の完成 : ゲノムセグメント2 (S2)の全塩基配列 (日本植物病理大会)
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- A Note on Nutritional Disorders of the Rice Plant in Java, Indonesia
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- 1. プログラムの編成 (Section I : Virology)
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- 植物ウイルスの電子顕微鏡的研究
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- 免疫電顕法によるジャガイモ葉巻ウィルスの診断
- ELISA法によるジャガイモ葉巻ウイルスの検出
- ジャガイモ葉巻病診断への酵素結合抗体法の応用