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One isolate (Naga 64-8) among rice blast fungi (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) isolated in Japan formed a very few susceptible lesions on Milyang 23 and Yushin of the Tongil variety group of Korean rice. All the reisolates from their lesions were severely pathogenic against the two Tongil varieties. On the other hand, reisolates from the lesions on Japanease rice varieties inoulated by the isolate of Naga 64-8 and those from the spores of the isolate on an oat-meal decoction agar medium contained both the pathogenic and the nonpathogenic isolates against the Tongil varieties. All their isolates showed the same reactions to the Japanease differentials as the isolate of Naga 64-8. The above results showed that the mother isolate of Naga 64-8 (033) contained two types of spores differing in pathogenicity against the Tongil varieties. Thus, we presumed that the isolate pathogenic against the Tongil varieties might sort out during successive culturing of the fungus by mutation.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1980-12-25
- ウイルス感染ササゲ葉からの抗菌性物質の溶出
- オヒシバいもち病菌によって培地上に形成される子のう殻様構造物
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- 日本においてイネ科植物に寄生する Pyricularia spp. の病原学的考察
- イネいもち病菌の分生胞子形成に関する研究 : II. 分生胞子形成の各段階に及ぼす光の影響
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- 日本産いもち病菌株から韓国の統一系統のイネ品種に病原性を示す菌株の分出
- (10) 日本産いもち病菌株から韓国の統一系統のイネ品種に病原性を示す菌株の分出 (東北部会講演要旨)