- 論文の詳細を見る
Cortex tissues of one-year-old shoots of mulberry cultivar Ichinose, were inoculated with spore suspension or myceria of Fusarium solani f. sp. mori. The shoots were incubated in a moist case for various periods. Ten cortex disks 7 mm in diameter or 0.2 g of cortex tissues were immersed in 1 ml of acetone for 3 hr. Antimicrobial activity (AA) of the acetone extracts was examined with 1) hole slide- 2) cup- 3) TLC- 4) Plate- method using spores of Bipolaris leersiae. The extracts from infected tissues of summer and winter shoots showed AA. But AA was not detected in the extracts from non-infected cortices. Heated (90 C, 10 min) spores could not induce the AA. It is more necessary than 10^2 spores per cm^2 of cortex surface to induce the AA. The AA was found in the extracts from cortices of shoots which were incubated at temperature ranging from 5 to 30 C after inoculation of the spore suspension. Browning occurred in the infected tissues of cortices at higher temperature than 20 C and AA was recognized only in the extracts of browned parts. Although browning of tissues was not observed so clearly at 5 and 10 C, AA was detected in the extracts from all of the infected tissues of cortices. AA was found in the extracts from both summer and winter shoots, but little AA could be detected in upper part of new shoots in June. Growth of pathogenic fungi and bacteria of mulberry or silkworm was inhibited by the extracts from corticies inoculated with F. solani f. sp. mori. The AA was induced in the cortices by the treatment swith culture filtrates of 7 plant pathogenic fungi. Antimicrobial compounds (AC) were extracted from cortex tissues inoculated with F. solani f. sp. mori with methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate and ethyl ether, but could not be extracted with water, n-hexane, carbon tetracloride. The AC were stable for 1 hr at 120 C or more than 6 months at 20 C. The AC were dialyzable. Rf values of the AC on the cilica gel G thin layer chromatograhy developed with ethyl ether were 0.20 and 0.63. From these results, it was concluded that the AC were phytoalexins of mulberry. Chemical stractures of the AC of Rf value 0.63 were determined and these new compounds were named as moracin A and B by M. Takasugi et al.(1978).
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1978-09-25
- (83) カジノキ枝皮層部のファイトアレキシン生成とその抗菌スペクトル (昭和55年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- (50) クワ枝皮層部のファイトアレキシンMoracin AおよびBの抗菌スペクトル (昭和53年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- 日本由来クワ暗斑病菌(Myrothecium roridum)によるミロトキシンBの生産について
- (35) クワ暗斑病菌(Myrothecium roridum)が生産する毒素の単離と同定 (平成11年度 日本植物病理学会大会)
- レタス腐敗病菌Pseudomonas cichoriiの伝染源
- Pseudomonas cichoriiによる腐敗病の発病とレタスの生育ステ-ジ・葉位の関係,ならびに感染機構
- (48) Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora接種によるカンキツ葉の抗菌性物質の生成について (関西部会講演要旨)
- Erwinia carotovora subsp.carotovoraによるカンキツ葉の抗菌物質産生
- (12) Pseudomonas glumae および類縁菌の毒性物質の生成 (昭和60年度地域部会講演要旨(夏季関東部会))
- 日本の桑園土壌から分離されたクワ暗斑病菌 (Myrothecium roridum, M. verrucaria) の産生抗菌物質によるグルーピング