Pyricularia zingiberi Nishikado によるショウガおよびミョウガのいもち病の伝染環
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Blast disease (Pyricularia zingiberi Nishikado) occurred on mioga and ginger plants, but not on plants such as Indian shell-flower (Alpinia japonica Miq.), ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium Koen.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) which were growing around ginger fields. The blast fungus overwintered with sclerotium-like structures on the residues of diseased ginger and mioga plants. The overwintered sclerotium-like structures in ginger fields were killed by soil fumigation with methyl bromide which is commonly used before ginger planting season. The primary infection source of ginger plants seemed to be diseased mioga plants, because the first blast development occurred on the latter at the beginning of July, and then continually on the former.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1994-10-25
- P-420 天然資源の医療への応用 : 碁石茶の高脂血症・動脈硬化症予防効果(1.薬物療法(基礎と臨床)4,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
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- Pyricularia zingiberi Nishikadoによるショウガ根茎の黒あざ症
- Pyricularia zingiberi Nishikado によるショウガおよびミョウガのいもち病の伝染環
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- 地域特産物の病害虫-5-オクラの病害虫(植物防疫基礎講座)
- 施設栽培における薬剤耐性灰色かび病菌の発生推移
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