Empirical Model with Cooperative-Competitive Genetic Operators to Improve GAs : Performance Investigation with 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problems
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This work explores an empirical model that puts genetic operators in a cooperative-competitive stand with each other. Two parallel operators produce offspring and fulfill specific roles: Self-Reproduction with Mutation(SRM)as a permanent source of diversity to induce the appearance of beneficial mutations and Crossover and Mutation(CM)to propagate them in the population. An extinctive selection mechanism subjects CM's and SRM's offspring to compete for survival and to guarantee the preservation of beneficial mutations for the next generation. SRM is implemented with an adaptive mutation schedule, which acts depending on SRM's contribution to the actual population, and varies mutation rates from high to small values to keep control of the exploration-exploitation balance. Two adaptive mutation schemes are investigated for SRM, adaptive dynamic segment(ADS)and adaptive dynamic probability(ADP). Mutation in CM is applied with a constant small probalility. Thus, the expected cooperation between CM and SRM emerges resulting in higher search velocity and higher search reliability. The proposed model is investigated with the 0/1 multiple knapsack NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem where it outperforms a canonical genetic algorithm as well as other enhanced GAs.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2000-10-15
Tanaka K
Department Of Computers And Systems Engineering Tokyo Denki University
Aguirre H
Shinshu Univ. Nagano‐shi Jpn
Tanaka Kiyoshi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Aguirre Hernan
Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University
Sugimura T
The Authors Are With The Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
Sugimura Tatsuo
The Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
Aguirre Hernan
The Authors Are With The Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
Tanaka K
Shinshu Univ.
Kamata Toru
Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
Tanaka Kiyoshi
Faculty Of Engineering Seikei University
Sugimura Tatsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Shinshu University
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