Information Physics Based on the Emergence Hypothesis and a Proof of Computational Universality of Single-NOT Networks
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Based on the emergence hypothesis, this paper proposes information physics. Computational universality called elemental universality is a necessary condition for the emergence at the edge of chaos. As the relation between the edge of chaos and biological life is widely hypothesized, we might think of elemental universality as a kind of natural law which cannot be explained by conventional materialistic physics. This view may bring forth a new paradigm that nature should be investigated by not only physics but also informatics. The study on the fact that computational universality is not a sufficient condition for the emergence at the edge of chaos includes a problem of the minimum number of NOT elements and the investigation of cellular automata. This paper presents a result that so-called 'chaotic' networks are intrinsically more powerful than stable networks.
- 1999-02-15
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