表言語とその処理法について : 汎用2次元言語の提案
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The decision tables are almost good method for analyzing and documenting systems, but it is pointed out that they cannot satisfactorily describe the program parts with loops of with actions between conditions. We propose to give the name "Table Language" on the improved decision tables in this paper. We can perfectly improve these defects of the decision tables by adding the following two functions; one is to allow the program loops by labeling the numbers to the statements for both conditions and actions of decision tables, The other is to define two meanings, "don't care" and "neglect", to avoid the ambiguity brought by labeling the numbers to the statements. These have important meanings that the improved decision tables become one of the programming languages which can describe any algorithms into very simple tabular forms. We have become convinced that Table Language is an exceedingly good method for not only analyzing and documenting systems but also giving the clear concept of programming language. As a result, it becomes easier to teach it to beginners. Furthermore, by defining the syntaxe of Table Language appropriately, we can obtain the general-purpose language of two dimensional programming which is compatible to the usual programming languages.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1972-01-15
平松 啓二
守屋 慎次
東京電機大学 工学部 情報通信工学科
守屋 慎次
守屋 慎次
東京電機大 工
守屋 慎次
平松 啓二
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