(28)Agrobactgerium tumefaciens infiltration法によるトランスでのムギ斑葉モザイクウイルスTGBタンパク質の相補試験
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Infiltration in Trans Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) encodes three TGB proteins (βb, βc, βd) that have essential role in virus movement. To analyze whether the proteins complement the TGB defective viruses in trans, each of the proteins was expressed in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana by Agrobacterium tumefaciens infiltration (agro-infiltration), and then each of βb, βc, and βd defective viruses was inoculated to the agro-infiltrated leaves. By western blot analysis using BSMV CP Ab, the CP was detected from the βb and βc trans-complementation tests, but not from the βd. We examined the direct evidence of βb and βc trans-complementation in planta by engineering fusions of GFP to βb. Fluorescent microscopy revealed that the βb and βc defective viruses complemented by the βb and βc from agro-infiltration moved cell-to-cell similar to the wild type virus. Furthermore, we expressed βd fused to GST (GST : βd) by agro-infiltration. Western blot analysis using the GST Ab showed that a protein (30 kDa) was specifically detected and it was smaller than the GST : βd predicted size (41 kDa).
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 2003-02-25
磯貝 雅道
磯貝 雅道
Bragg J.N.
University of California,Berkeley
Lawrence D.M.
University of California,Berkeley
Jackson A.O.
University of California,Berkeley
Jackson A.o.
University Of California Berkeley
Bragg J.n.
University Of California Berkeley
Lawrence D.m.
University Of California Berkeley
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