2Q02 Locomotor discoordination in immunotoxin-mediated disruption of cerebellar Golgi cell
Shigemoto Ryuichi
National Institute For Physiological Sciences:the Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Yue Wu
National Institute For Physiological Sciences:the Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Toyohashi University of Technology
Yanagihara Dai
Toyohashi University Of Technology:crest(jst)
Aichi Shinshiro Otani University
Toyohashi University of Technology
KIYOTA Kazutaka
Toyohashi University of Technology
Watanabe Takuya
Toyohashi University Of Technology:chukyo University
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- P2-16 EMG activity of locomotor discoordination in immunotoxin-mediated disruption of cerebellar Golgi cell(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 2Q02 Locomotor discoordination in immunotoxin-mediated disruption of cerebellar Golgi cell
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