1P18 The influence of long-term exercise on blood fluidity in middle-aged and older men
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Nakagaichi Masaki
Research and Development Center for Higher Education, Nagasaki University
Nakata Yoshio
Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Tanaka Kiyoji
Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Doctoral Program in Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Faculty of Education, Kogakkan University
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Nakagaichi Masaki
Research And Development Center For Higher Education Nagasaki University
Katayama Yasutomi
Faculty Of Education Kogakkan University
Tanaka Kiyoji
Institute For Molecular And Cellular Biolog
- Central Obesity and Health-related Factors among Middle-aged Men : a Comparison among Native Japanese and Japanese-Brazilians Residing in Brazil and Japan
- Three novel mutations responsible for Cockayne syndrome group A
- INSIG2 gene rs7566605 polymorphism is associated with severe obesity in Japanese
- Variations in the FTO gene are associated with severe obesity in the Japanese
- Errata: The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Ambulatory Activity in Very Elderly Women with Normal Functioning and Functional Limitations[J. Physiol. Anthropol. 29(6): 211-218 (2010)]
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- 〈Originals〉Effects of a 12-week Walking Program on Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- The Relative Utility of Health-Related Fitness Tests and Skilled Motor Performance Tests as Measures of Biological Age in Japanese Men
- Effects of Aerobic Conditioning at Intensities Corresponding to Lactate Threshold Plus Reduced Energy Intake in College-age Females
- The Etfect of Body Composition on Physical Fitness and Motor Abiiity in Junior High Schcol Boys and Girls
- Body composition from bioelectrical impedance detected between the sole of feet in the standing position
- 041115 Physiological responses during the race pace at marathon
- Resonance Assignments, Solution Structure, and Backbone Dynamics of the DNA- and RPA-Binding Domain of Human Repair Factor XPA
- Changes in Aerobic Capacity and Coronary Risk Factors during Long-term Exercises Training in Women with Ischemic Heart Disease: A 36-month Follow-up
- Adjustments of Cardiac Function During Prolonged Exercise Relative to Lactate Threshold
- Effects of additional resistance training during diet-induced weight loss on bone mineral density in overweight premenopausal women
- 3P19:A comparison of multi- and single-frequency bioelectrical impedance methods to assess fat-free mass
- 2P22:Effect of body mass increase with resistance training on bone mineral density and content in college-aged males
- Effects of Exercise Conditioning on Vital Age in Hyperlipidemic Women
- Characterization of a XPA/RPAIERCC1 complex
- Characterization of a DNA-binding domain of the XPA protein
- Physical activity and intra-abdominal fat reduction : effects of age, obesity phenotype and vigorous physical activity
- 1P18 The influence of long-term exercise on blood fluidity in middle-aged and older men
- 2C06 Changes in percentage of fat, lean, and BMC during diet-induced weight loss with or without exercise.
- 〈原著〉ボウリング習慣者の体力年齢 : 経験に着目した検討
- A Unique Method for Predicting Cardiorespiratory Fitness Using Rating of Perceived Exertion
- 2-12 Effect of Exercise Training and Dietary Restriction on Health-related Variables in Obese Middle-aged Women : A 7-month Follow-up Study(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-3 Effects of Education on Reducing Local Residents' Weight in the Healthy Promotion Program
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- 237 Ratings of perceived exertion as a useful monitoring tool for cycling exercise intensity in older adults
- Index of in Assessing Functional Status in Elderly Japanese Men
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- Obesity as a Risk Factor for Various Diseases: Necessity of Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Aging
- S-III-2 Effects of weight loss on obesity and adiponectin(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
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- The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Ambulatory Activity in Very Elderly Women with Normal Functioning and Functional Limitations
- 生活習慣病の予防・改善に向けたトレーニング効果と運動強度 (特集 運動強度とトレーニング効果--健康支援における実際)
- Structure and function of the recombinant XPAC protein with a zinc-finger motif
- Effects of endogeneous DNA base lesions on transcription elongation by mammalian RNA polymerase II
- 地域在住高齢者の握力による移動能力制限の識別
- Alternative items for identifying hierarchical levels of physical disability by using physical performance tests in women aged 75 years and older
- Low Impact Aerobic Dance as a Useful Exercise Mode for Reducing Body Mass in Mildly Obese Middle-Aged Women
- Cell migration from the ganglionic eminence to the neocortex investigated by labeling nuclei with UV irradiation Via a fiber-optic cable
- Function of XPA gene in nucleotide excision repair and UV-induced skin carcinogenesis.
- 虚弱高齢者の身体機能の把握および基本チェックリストの有効性
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- 軽度要介護認定者に対するマシントレーニング効果(アダプテッド・スポーツ for ALL自ら創り発信する、次のステップへ,第31回医療体育研究会/第14回アジア障害者体育・スポーツ学会日本部会第12回合同大会)
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- 体力低位の高齢者に向けた運動 (特集 介護福祉と健康づくり)
- ボウリングを習慣化する中高年男女の活力年齢
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- 地域在住高齢者における全身振動機器を使用した静的なアクセラレーショントレーニングの有効性
- 確かな保健指導 : 減量への導きと運動 (特集 市民の健康と自治体行政)
- 職業人として健康づくり・介護予防に関わる専門職への提言
- アクセラレーショントレーニングによる全身振動刺激が肥満者および高齢者の健康体力に及ぼす効果
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- 配偶者を通じた間接的な生活習慣介入が体重とメタボリックシンドローム構成因子に及ぼす影響 : 2年後の追跡調査
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- 減量プログラム中の身体活動量がその後の腹部内臓脂肪の再増加に及ぼす影響
- Genetic variations in the CYP17A1 and NT5C2 genes are associated with a reduction in visceral and subcutaneous fat areas in Japanese women
- Computed tomography analysis of the association between the SH2B1 rs7498665 single-nucleotide polymorphism and visceral fat area
- Association of variations in the FTO, SCG3 and MTMR9 genes with metabolic syndrome in a Japanese population
- Polymorphisms in NRXN3, TFAP2B, MSRA, LYPLAL1, FTO and MC4R and their effect on visceral fat area in the Japanese population
- Association between obesity and polymorphisms in SEC16B, TMEM18, GNPDA2, BDNF, FAIM2 and MC4R in a Japanese population
- Screening of 336 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 85 obesity-related genes revealed McKusick-Kaufman syndrome gene variants are associated with metabolic syndrome
- メディカルフィットネスの醸成を祈念して(リハビリテーションスポーツ、アダプテッド・スポーツ:そのひろがりとつながり,第32回医療体育研究会/第15回日本アダプテッド体育・スポーツ学会第13回合同大会兼第7回茨城県障害者スポーツ研究会)
- Effects of Weight Loss Program with Diet and Exercise on Vital Age in Obese Middle-aged Women
- NUDT3 rs 206936 is associated with body mass index in obese Japanese women