140 Modulation of the Soleus H-reflex with Jendrassik Maneuver During Voluntary Contraction of the Corresponding Muscle in Young and Elderly Subjects
- 1-P-15 Modulation of heteronymous Ia facilitation during different body orientations for elderly and young(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
- 140 Modulation of the Soleus H-reflex with Jendrassik Maneuver During Voluntary Contraction of the Corresponding Muscle in Young and Elderly Subjects
- Modulation of the Soleus H-reflex with Jendrassik Maneuver from Prone to Standing in Young and Elderly Subjects
- (E71002) Modulation of the Soleus H-reflex from Prone to Standing in Young and Old Subjects