海洋微化石による生物温度計への試み : 鮮新世石灰質ナンノ化石を例に(新生代化石生物温度計の試み : その論理と適用 (その 2))
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A coccolith transfer function formulated through multiple regression analysis relates coccolith floras in the surface sediments from seas on the Pacific side of Japan to mean annual sea surface temperatures. Coccolith transfer function has been applied to coccolith floral data from a piston core in the Oki-Daito Ridge and the Shimajiri Group in southern Okinawa-jima. These samples provide material for a high-resolution stratigraphic and paleoceanographic study during the Pliocene period. Estimates show several climatic events between 2.0 and 5.0 Ma. Sea surface temperature (SST) was relatively low from 5.0 to 3.7 Ma. Between 3.6 Ma and 3.2 Ma SST was generally as warm as modern conditions. SST was approximately 3.5℃ lower at 3.0 Ma than at 3.2 Ma in the Oki-Daito Ridge region. At 2.5 Ma a cool event was also recognized in the Okinawa-jima region. These warm and cool events recognized by using the coccolith transfer function correspond with the well-known episodes in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
- 1993-11-30
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