東北日本太平洋側における中新世中〜後期の珪藻温度指数と海表水温(新生代化石生物温度計の試み : その論理と適用 (その 2))
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Several planktonic taxa indicating paleotemperature can be selected from diatom assemblages based on the distributional pattern drawn characteristically by fossil frequencies in time and space, and then a diatom temperature index (Td index) reflecting the extent of paleo-isotherm is defined as Td=W+T-C, where W, T and C are frequencies in percentage of warm, temperate and cold water species respectively. The Denticulopsis praedimorpha Zone time of 12.8-10.6 Ma showing the maximum phase of thermal gradient along the north-to-south direction is particularly conspicuous in a contour map of the Td index. If the Td index at 11.5 Ma when the highest value of temperature difference was documented in a paleoceanographic history is biogeographically in propotion to the recent temperature off the coast of northeast Japan, the whole indices during the middle and late Miocene are transformed by linear equations into seawater paleotemperature in February, August and of an annual average, respectively. Both in summer and in winter, an estimated applicable range of Td index extends from 34°N through 44°N along near the shore of northeast Japan, and corresponds to the current sea area from the offing of Habomai Islands on the north to that of Enshunada on the south. The mean range of the annual temperature estimated during the middle-to-late Miocene is similar to that of the present sea area between the offing of Joban-oki as a northen limit and of Boso-oki as a southern front. It is very difficult that large values characterizing the present middle latitudes, however, are given to the thermal gradient except for the late middle Miocene. Accordingly, sea areas both off the Philippine Islands and of the equatorial Pacific are nominated for the corresponding province with lower values of temperature gradient than those off the shores of northeast Japan.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 1993-11-30
- 地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」の下北半島沖慣熟航海コア試料 : 物性変動から予測される古環境変動
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- II-2)珪質堆積物から見たインド洋の古海洋循環システムの変遷(インド洋の環境変動,E.ヒマラヤ山脈とインド洋に記録された環境変動)
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- 東北日本太平洋側における中新世中〜後期の珪藻温度指数と海表水温(新生代化石生物温度計の試み : その論理と適用 (その 2))
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- 178 インド洋産珪藻化石の形態変異
- 西南北海道黒松内地域の上部新生界:とくに黒松内層の層序と微化石年代について
- 93 西南北海道の標準層序単元「黒松内層」の層位とその対比について
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