Establishment and Issues of New Educational System by Nutrition Teachers
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The Japanese school lunch system, which has over 100y of history, has gained world attention for its well-developed and steady system, healthy Japanese-style menus including rice, and educational programs utilizing the school lunch system. Meanwhile, risk factors of health among students have been continuously worsening for the past dozen years or so. Therefore, Japan had hastened to develop better educational programs utilizing the school lunch and nutritional teachers. Under such circumstances, the Japanese Diet passed a bill to amend the School Education Law (hereinafter called the Amendment) which includes the establishment of an educational system by nutrition teachers in May, 2004. This system will be enforced in April, 2005. This system by nutrition teachers in Japan is well organized in both the legal and administrative senses and is attracting domestic and international attention as an example of an educational measure to improve the dietary life of students. The reason for this article in English is the additional intention of enlightening other countries by showing the political promotion problems of educational administration agencies, educational contents of nutrition teachers and some issues of the new educational system by nutrition teachers.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
丸谷 宣子
丸谷 宣子
Nakajima Tomoko
The Graduate School Of Cultural Studies And Human Science Kobe University
丸谷 宣子
The Graduate School Of Cultural Studies And Human Science Kobe University
丸谷 宣子
The Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Kobe University
Sports and Youth Bureau, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
The Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Kobe University
TAMON Takako
The Department of Health and Welfare
The Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Kobe University
Murai Yoko
The Graduate School Of Cultural Studies And Human Science Kobe University
Kaneda Masayo
Junior Coll. Kagawa Nutrition Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Namikawa Shintaro
The Graduate School Of Cultural Studies And Human Science Kobe University
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