リュウキュウサルボウ亜科 (Anadarinae) の分子系統と分類形質
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A molecular phylogenetic study of the subfamily Anadarinae (Mollusca : Bivalvia) was carried out based on the amino acid sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in seven extant species from Japan and its adjacent areas. The obtained phylogenetic tree seems to be consistent with the existing classification system that is currently popular in Japan. Though the number of examined species is still limited, identities of Anadara (s. s.), Scapharca, Diluvarca and Tegillarca as well as their phylogenetic relations were recognized at the molecular level. The present result also enabled us to distinguish a few uniquely derived characters, e. g. inequivalveness (probably resulting from pleurothetic life) and some features of radial ribs, which are applicable to the subgenus-level classification. The sudden appearance and great success of this subfamily in mid-Tertiary times may have resulted from the change of life habit from epibyssate to free-living, and the expected rapid morphological change probably represents a case of quantum evolution.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 2001-03-19
- リュウキュウサルボウ亜科 (Anadarinae) の分子系統と分類形質
- イタヤガイ類の系統分類と分類形質の評価
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- 海底洞窟中の軟体動物群の原始性(生きている化石)
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