951. 内蒙古の上部ジュラ〜下部白亜系杏園 (Xingyuan) 層産イチョウ葉個体群
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Fossil Ginkgo is one of the index genera characterizing the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Tetori-type and Siberian-type floras in Eastern Eurasia. Fossil Ginkgo leaves are sometimes crowded in occurrence, thickly massed and appressed on the same bedding plane, so representing a fossil population. One of us (Zhao) and his Chinese coworkers collected a number of detached fossil Ginkgo leaves from such an occurrence from the Xingyuan Formation (=Jiufotang Formation) at the Xilutian Open Coal-Mine, near Chifeng area, Zhaowudameng District, Inner Mongolia. These Ginkgo leaves are varied in size, form and mode of lamina-division. Nevertheless, they form a single fossil population, and thus belong to the same species, because their morphological features are similar and are thought to be within the range of variation and their cuticular features except for minor points are the same. This paper deals with the description of these leaves, with geographical and stratigraphical distributions of fossil Ginkgo leaves in the western part of Northeast China, and with generic and specific revision of some previous works and makes a brief comparison of the present population with those hitherto known. The present population of fossil Ginkgo leaves is at least the same as those of Fuxin, Shahezi, Damoguaihe and Dabao Formations in Northeast China. In the case of a small number of fossil Ginkgo leaves, it is difficult to identify them down to species so far as they do not show their unique morphological or cuticular features. The present study shows that it is difficult to assess any distinction between the genera Ginkgo and Baiera. The Ginkgo leaves comprising the present population is named by us as Ginkgo manchurica (Yabe et Oishi) Meng et Chen.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 1993-04-30
木村 達明
Institute of Natural History
大花 民子
Institute of Natural History
趙 立明
Institute Of Botany Academia Sinica
Zhao Li-ming
Institute Of Botany Academia Sinica.
木村 達明
Institute of Natural History
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