Temperature Control of Ginjo Sake Mashing Process by Automatic Fuzzy Modeling Using Fuzzy Neural Networks
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Automatic fuzzy modeling using fuzzy neural network(FNN)was attempted for use for temperature control of Ginjo sake mashing process. Data for 25 Ginjo sake mashings obtained from a commercial fermentor were used for the modeling. Models were constrtucted in four control regions. The acquired models could precisely output a set temperature, and the acquired rules coincided well with those experiences of Toji. The models were applied to temperature control of commercial seale mashing. Time course data were similar to those from a conventional control based on the decision of Toji. The Ginjo sake obtained was analyzed and quality assessed by expert sensory evaluation. The Concentrations of chemical components and evaluation scores were confirmed to be similar to those obtained froth the conventional control.
- 1998-01-25
花井 泰三
Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kobayashi T
Graduate School Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Hanai Taizo
Department Of Biochemistry And Engineering Tohoku University
Kobayashi Takeshi
Department Of Biological Chemistry College Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu University
Sekiya Brewing Co.Ltd.
Honda Hiroyuki
Department Of Anesthesia Niigata City General Hospital
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Katayama Akemi
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
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