Isolation and Identification of an Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium Which Can Grow on Tetrathionate Medium and the Properties of a Tetrathionate-Decomposing Enzyme Isolated from the Bacterium
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Among 150 pure strains of iron-oxidizing bacteria obtained from natural environments, two strains, Funis 2-1 and OK1-50,had the ability to use potassium tetrathionate (K_2S_4O_6) as a sole energy source for growth. Funis 2-1 was a gram-negative, rod-shaped, acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithotrophic bacterium and had the same cytochrome composition and mean G+C content of DNA as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, indicating that the strain is T. ferrooxidans. A tetrathionate-decomposing enzyme that catalyzes the disproportionate metabolism of 4 mol of tetrathionate into 7 mol of thiosulfate and 2 mol of sulfate was located on the plasma membrane of K_2S_4O_6-grown, but no Fe^<2+>-grown Funis 2-1 cells. Washed intact cells and cell extracts prepared from Funis 2-1 cells grown on K_2S_4O_6 medium supplemented with more than 11 mM FeSO_4 did not show K_2S_4O_6-decomposing enzyme activity. K_2S_4O_6-decomposing enzyme was purified to homogeneity from K_2S_4O_6-grown Funis 2-1 cells. The apparent molecular weight of this enzyme was estimated to be 50,000 by gel filtration, 50,000 by SDS-PAGE, and 49,600 using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, indicating that the enzyme is monomeric. The enzyme was most active at pH 3.5 and 50°C and the activity was enhanced approximately 18 fold by a concentration of 200 mM of sulfate ion. The Michaelis constant of this enzyme for K_2S_4O_6 was 0.73 mM.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1996-09-25
Nagasawa Toru
Department of Biomolecular Science, Gifu University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Kanao Tadayoshi
Department of Botany and Microbiology, Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Natural Science an
Sugio Tsuyoshi
Department of Botany and Microbiology, Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Natural Science an
Sugio Tsuyoshi
Division Of Biological Function And Genetic Resources Science Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama Univers
Sugio Tsuyoshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
Sugio Tsuyoshi
Department Of Biological Function And Genetic Resources Science Okayama University
Department of Biological Function and Genetic Resources Science, Okayama University
Nagasawa Toru
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyoto University
Blake Ii
Xavier University
Kanao Tadayoshi
Department Of Biological Function And Genetic Resources Science Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama Unive
Furukawa Hirotaka
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry University Of Electro-communications
Sugio T
Okayama Univ. Okayama Jpn
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