Purification and Properties of Lectins from a Mushroom, Pleurotus cornucopiae
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Hemagglutinating activity in fruit bodies of Pleurotus cornucopiae was separated by DEAE column chromatography into two, adsorbed and unadsorbed, fractions. From the unadsorbed fraction, three active substances were purified and characterized. The main component (PCL-a) consisted of two identical subunits with an apparent molecular mass of 16kDa and the second (PCL-b) consisted of two heterogeneous subunits of 16 and 15kDa. The three lectins as well as the two kinds of subunits were immunologically cross-reactive with anti-PCL-a serum. Amino acid compositions of the two subunits were similar, and N-terminal residues of the subunits were blocked. Hemagglutinating activities of the three lectins were not inhibited by any monosaccharide tested but were strongly inhibited by asialo-mucin. From these results, the three lectins in P. cornucopiae were found to be isolectins.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1994-03-23
Department of Microbiology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
NAGATA Yoshiho
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University
Yoshida M
National Agricultural Research Center For Hokkaido Region
Yoshida Masato
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Hyogo Brain And Heart Center At Himeji
KATO Shin-ichi
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
Oguri Suguru
Department of Bioproduction, Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Matsuda Yuzuru
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Nagata Y
Department Of Biotechnology University Of Tokyo
Nagata Yuji
Department Of Applied And Environmental Chemistry Kitami Institute Of Technology
Oguri S
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Kato Shin-ichi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Kato Shin-ichi
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Nagata Yoshiho
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Oguri Suguru
Department Of Bioproduction Faculty Of Bioindustry Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Nagata Y
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
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