Specific Findings of the Standard 12-Lead ECG in Patients With 'Takotsubo' Cardiomyopathy : Comparison With the Findings of Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction
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The clinical course of 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy closely resembles that of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and coronary angiography (CAG) is usually performed to distinguish the 2 conditions during the acute phase. The present study was designed to determine whether the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) findings could help to distinguish 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy from anterior AMI. The study group comprised 13 patients with 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy and 13 consecutive patients with anterior AMI. Patients with 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy had abnormal Q waves less frequently than patients with anterior AMI (15% vs 69%, p=0.008). No reciprocal changes were seen in the inferior leads in patients with 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy (p=0.0003). The ratio of ST-segment elevation in leads V_<4-6> to V_<1-3> (ΣSTeV_<4-6>/V_<1-3>) was significantly higher in patients with 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy (1.55±0.53 vs 0.57±0.58, p=0.0004). The QTc interval was significantly longer inpatients with 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy. The absence of reciprocal changes, absence of abnormal Q waves, and a ΣSTeV_<4-6>/V_<1-3> ≥ 1 all showed a high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, the combination of the absence of reciprocal changes and a ΣSTeV_<4-6>/V_<1-3> ≥ 1 had a greater specificity (100%) and overall accuracy (91%) than either criteria. Therefore, the standard 12-lead ECG on admission can help to distinguish 'Takotsubo' cardiomyopathy from anterior AMI.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2003-07-20
Ogura Riyo
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hiasa Yoshikazu
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Yuba Kenichiro
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Takahashi Takefumi
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hosokawa Shinobu
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Kishi Koichi
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ohtani Ryuji
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Takahashi Takefumi
Department of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ohara Yoshikazu
Department of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
OHARA Yoshikazu
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Yamaguchi Koji
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Yamaguchi Koji
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ohara Yoshikazu
Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Fujiwara Kensuke
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Nada Teru
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ogata Tatsuro
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Kusunoki Kanji
Division of Cardiology, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Nada Teru
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Kishi Kohichi
Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ogata Tatsuro
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Kusunoki Kanji
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Yuba Kenichiro
Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Takahashi Takefumi
Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hosokawa Shinobu
The Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Kishi Koichi
The Department Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Fujiwara Kensuke
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hosokawa Shinobu
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Takahashi Takefumi
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hiasa Yoshikazu
Department Of Cardiology Komatushima Red Cross Hospital
Kishi Koichi
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Hiasa Yoshikazu
Division Of Cardiology Tokushima Red Cross Hospital
Ohtani Ryuji
Division of Cardiology, Komatsushima Red Cross Hospital
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