Relationship between Coping Skills and Job Satisfaction among Japanese Full-time Occupational Physicians
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Objective: The present study investigated the relationship between coping skills and job satisfaction among Japanese full-time occupational physicians (OPs). Methods: In 2000 we mailed self-administered questionnaires to 716 full-time OPs who were members of "Sanyu-kai", the only Japanese association of full-time OPs. The questionnaires included age, gender, marital status, main type of company's work, the number of full-time OPs, the number of employees, working years as an OP, tenure in the present company, job stress, and coping skills questions. The coping skills questions consisted of 11 items which were decided after discussion among several experienced full-time OPs. In total, 351 (49%) of the OPs returned suitable questionnaires for analyses. Results: Considering age, gender, marital status, and coping skills, multiple regression analysis (stepwise method) found that age, simplification of work, obvious roles for staff, consultations, and communication in the community and company were factors which contributed significantly to job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling showed that age and coping skills such as work system improvements, consultations, and communication in the community and company influenced jo satisfaction. Discussion: Our results indicated that the age and coping skills influenced job satisfaction among full-time OPs. Our results are also considered to support the training of OPs in the future.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
Department of Neurosurgery, Saiseikai Kurihashi Hospital
Department of Mental Health, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational
Nagata Shoji
Department Of Mental Health Institute Of Industrial And Ecological Sciences University Of Occupation
Nagata Shoji
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health Fukuoka Jpn
Shimizu Takashi
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health Fukuoka Jpn
Shimizu Takashi
Department Of Neurosurgery Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Takashi
Department Of Animal Sciences Nihon University
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