- 論文の詳細を見る
Most data dealing with the pulmonary gas exchange in chronic pulmonary emphysema have been collected on resting subjects. The purpose of this study is to clarify the causes of the fall in arterial oxygen pressure which often occurs in exercising patients with chronic pulmonary emphysema. Materials and Methods In 10 patients with severe chronic pulmonary emphysema (FEV_1 /VC averaged 30%) the determinations were performed during cardiac catheterization. These subjects exercised on the bicycle ergometer with a cardiac catheter placed in the main pulmonary artery, and an indwelling arterial needle in the brachial artery. Samples of arterial blood, mixed venous blood, and expired air were collected at rest and during exercise. These measurernents were followed by nitrogen washout studies. Estimates of the distribution of the pulmonary blood flow, ventilation and the ventilation-perfusion ratio were made by the modified Briscoe's methods. Results A) Changes of blood gas The arterial oxygen pressure (Pao_2) and saturation (Sao_2) at rest averaged 71±6.2 mmHg and 91.9±1.6% and fell during exercise to the average value of 59±7.3 mmHg and 86.9±3.1 % respectively. Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVo_2) at rest averaged 66.7±2.8% and fell during exercise to the average value of 40.1±7.8 %. B) Oxygen uptake Oxygen uptake (Vo_2) increased remarkably from 263±45.3 ml/min to 748±214.0 ml/min during exercise. C) Alveolar ventilation and turn over rate Total alveolar ventilation (V_<AT>) increased remarkably from 4.8±0.8 L/min at rest to 16.7±3.9 L/min during exercise, and the turn over rate in fast (VA_1/L_1) normal (VA_2/L_2 ), slow-ventilated space (VA_3/L_3) averaged 10.38±3.91, 1.57±0.49, 0.24±0.11, respectively at rest and increased to the average value of 11.82±3.20, 2.19±0.85, 0.36±0.10 during exercise. D) Cardiac output Cardiac output increased slightly from 5.3±1,0 L/min to 8.0±1.3 L/min during exercise. E) Ventilation-perfusion ratio Ventilation-perfusion ratio in well (fast-normal)-ventilated space (V_<A1,2>/Q_<1,2>) and slow-ventilated space (V_<A3>/Q_3) averaged 1.44±0.33 and 0.26±0.06 at rest and increased to the average value of 3.78±0.41 and 0.47±0.13 respectively during exercise. F) Changes in slow-ventilated space with particular reference to end-capillary oxygen saturation Volume fraction of slow ventilated space (L_3/L_T) was 68±9.6% at rest and decreased to 61±11.3% during exercise. Estimated fraction of cardiac output perfusing slow-ventilated space (L_3/l_T) was 44±10% and slightly increased to 48 i 1 7% during exercise, and the perfusion index (Q_3/Q_T/L_3/L_T) raised from 0.64±0.17 to 0.78±0.16. The calculated end-capillary oxygen saturation of slow-ventilated space (S_<c3>) was 84.2±2.4% at rest and fell to 74.7±4.6% during exercise. Discussion and Conclusions In the lower range of the ventilation-perfusion ratio as seen in the patients with chronic pulmonary emphysema, the fall of mixed venous oxygen saturation appeared to account for the fall in end-capillary, and arterial oxygen saturation. Thus, arterial oxygen pressure in the patiens with emphysema was very sensitive not only to the uneven ventilation-perfusion ratio but also to changes in oxygen consumption, and cardiac output. These findings serve to emphasize that studies of the uneveness of ventilation-perfusion ratio alone are not sufficient to interpret changes in pulmonary gas exchange in emphysema especially during exercise.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1969-12-30
- 慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者の運動負荷中における急性低酸素血症の成因
- Single Breath法による一酸化炭素肺拡散能力の測定値(DLCO)に関する検討,特に肺の換気・血流の不均等分布が与える影響について
- 閉塞性肺疾患における肺の換気と血流,並びにガス交換比(呼吸商),ガス交換効率などの不均等分布に関する研究 : 第22回日本循環器学会東海地方学会
- Isohyperventilation(調節呼吸)下における血中CO_2分圧変動時の肺循環,並びに全血と赤血球内の酸塩基平衡,電解質などに関する研究 : 第22回日本循環器学会東海地方学会
- 閉塞性肺疾患患者における心不全症状の発現と呼吸機能との関係
- 慢性肺気腫患者の運動中における肺内ガス交換障害の機序に関する研究
- 1.アミノフイリン適正投与量 : とくに ICG 検査値との関連について(喘息-治療1)
- 運動負荷時における気道と血漿のcyclic GMP, cyclic AMPおよび血漿Norepinephrineに及ぼす吸入感作の影響に関する実験的研究
- 遺伝性疾患と肺病変 (全身病と臓器相関--内科的疾患における肺病変)
- 2.肺癌の病態生理と臨床第2報血清α2-AP Glycoproteinの変動について : 第29回日本肺癌学会中部支部会
- 1.肺癌の病態生理と臨床第1報血清,尿,喀疲中Cyc1icNucleotidesの動態について : 第29回日本肺癌学会中部支部会
- 5. 活動性肺結核に合併した肺癌と考えられる2症例 : 第28回中部肺癌学会
- 呼吸困難 (救急計画法) -- (主要症候の救急計画)
- 喀痰--とくに気道の異物排泄系における粘液の役割について
- 喀痰の抗原性に関する研究
- 気管支喘息患者における新しい気管支拡張薬Terbutaline Sulfateの臨床的効果に関する研究
- 55.喀痰の気管内注入による経気道感作と気管支肺組織におよぼす影響について(抗体)
- 91. いわゆる閉塞性肺疾患における気管の構造変化と過敏性及び皮内反応に関する研究(喘息(III))
- 加令と心臓における組織学的変化 : 日本循環器学会第26回東海第2回北陸合同地方会総会
- 91.いわゆる閉塞性肺疾患における気道の構造変化と過敏性及び皮内反応に関する研究(喘息(III))
- (34) 各種肺疾患における免疫グロブリンのレベルとその血清蛋白分画との関係(免疫血液〔III〕)
- 34.各種肺疾患における免疫グロブリンのレベルとその血清蛋白分〓との関係(免疫血清III)
- 23. 気道 cyclic nucleotide の動態におよぼすprostaglandins の影響(喘息(病態生理))
- 169. コンニャク舞粉吸入感作モルモットの発作時血漿 norepinephrine と cyclic GMP, cyclic AMP の動態(喘息-病態生理III)
- 167. 気管支喘息および気道過敏性をもつ慢性肺気腫患者の β-stimulant 投与後における cyclic nucleotides の変動(喘息-病態生理III)
- 156. chemical mediators によるモルモット気管 c-AMP, c-GMP レベルの変動(Chemical mediators)
- 慢性気管支炎と慢性肺気腫における形態学的重症度と肺機能諸量の関係大気汚染に対する集団検診の指標選択に関連して
- パネルディスカッション呼吸管理
- 呼吸管理
- 治療による慢性肺気腫患者のスパイログラム,血液ガス,心電図所見における可逆性の実態と限界,および,それらの相互関係にかんする研究
- タイトル無し