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Introduction: There has been world wide popularity of prosthetic replacement for the severely destroyed cardiac valve with malfunction. Total number of 289 cases of 336 of prostheses have been replaced for them until end of March, 1968. Among them, author made phonocardiographic analysis postoperatively. It is believed that this method display the considerable accuracy of hemodynamic statement or function of the cardiac valve without painstaking to the patient. With this method of analysis, hemodynamic improvement had been compared with various prostheses replaced, including new type of prosthesis, Wada hingeless valve. Method: Total number of 105 cases were selected for the phonocardiographic analysis. They were all followed up more than 3 months after surgery. Fifty-five cases of them were mitral and rest were aortic replacement. These were 2 to 51 year-old in age. Fifty of them were male and 55 female. In mitral replacements, there are 36 of Starr-Edwards, 10 of Wada hingeless, 6 of SmeloffCutter and 3 of Kay-Shiley valve. In aortic, these are 38 of Starr-Edwards, 8 of SmeloffCutter and 4 of Wada hingeless valve. Cardiac sound was recorded using crystal micro-phone and traced photographically. At the same time, apexcardiogram and carotid pulse wave were traced in selected cases. These data were compared in each other and normal person. Result. At mitral position of ball or disc valve, there noted clear and high pitched opening and closing sound both in auscultation and phonocardiogram. However, in cases of the replacement with Wada hingeless valve, there noted opening sound in 50% phonocardiographically and no opening sound in auscultation. There are mild prolongation of Q-Mitral Closing Valve Sound interval (Q-MCVS) when compared with Q-1 interval of normal heart. There are prolongation of II-Mitral Opening Valve Sound interval (Q-MOVS) than preoperative value of II-OS interval in cases of mitral stenosis. II-MOVS proportionally decrease with the rate of cardiac beat. When atrial fibrillation exists, there showed prolongation of Q-MCVS and shortening of II-MOVS than that of sinus rhythm. Three of them showed that Q-MCVS and II-MOVS changed proportionally increase and decrease respectively with the preceding R-R interval. There recorded sometimes extra-sound (Rotating Ball Sound, RBS and Rebounding Leaflet Sound, RLS) which some due to prosthetic valve itself. Upon the analysis of the cases who regurgitation and malfunction of prosthesis postoperatively, it noted appearance of the murmur and changes of II-MOVS phonocardiographically. These phonocardiographic changes are important clue which decides reoperation for the malfunctioned valve in time. At aortic replacements, there noted systolic murmur of ejection type in all cases. Wada hingeless valve recorded the least prosthetic opening sound. It was observed that Q-M_1 interval prolonged slightly than normal in the group of sinus rhythm and more in the group of atrial fibriffa-tion. There are almost normal value in M_1-Aortic Opening Valve Sound (M_1-AOVS) and Aortic Opening Valve Sound-Aortic Closing Valve Sound interval (AOVS-ACVS). There recorded extra sounds (RBSRLS) in 42 % of aortic replacement. It was considered to be non-specific hemodynamically . In analysis of carotid pulse wave, it indicated the lateral flow obstruction and stenosis of valvular orifice in some cases. Unlike to the cases of mitral replacement, there obtained no qualitative results phonocardiographically to the grade of regurgitation developed postoperatively. Conclusion: In summary, after the prosthetic replacement of the cardiac valves it revealed prosthetic opening sound and systolic murmur of ejection type at aortic replacements. Otherwise, it showed approximately normal value in each intervals phonocardiographically. In general, it showed that the currently available prosthetic valves indicated satisfactory valvular function in their positions. However, these are all showing mild stenosis of t
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1969-07-20
- 3. 動脈管開存症の外科治療(第 11 回日本小児外科学会北海道地方会)
- WADA Hingeless弁について : 第19回日本循環器学会北海道地方学会
- 3. 乳幼児ファロー四徴症根治手術の問題点(第 15 回日本小児外科学会北海道地方会)
- 27)心房粗・細動発作を伴うWPW症候群の1例 : 第33回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- 3) 経皮的刺激波形分析によるぺースメーカー患者の管理 : 第32回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- WPW症候群に対する外科治療の長期遠隔予後
- 2. 5 年 6 カ月を経過した小児胸部軟骨肉腫の一治験例(第 21 回日本小児外科学会北海道地方会)
- 弁置換手術前弁口サイズ予測法 : 第23回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- 札幌医大型人工心肺装置による体外循環の実際 : 交換可能大中小三基ロータリー型人工心付熱交換器内蔵回転円板型人工肺
- 16) 数室における心臓手術1250例の臨床 : 日本循環器学会第12回北海道地方会
- 109. 室上稜上部中隔欠損症について(心・大血管 II)
- B-23 小児に対する人工弁置換の遠隔成績 : とくに成長との関係について
- II-C-12. 肺に異常を有する特殊手術例の経験 : けい肺を有する1症例(第27回食道疾患研究会)
- II-B-21. われわれの呼吸管理について(第27回食道疾患研究会)
- 5) Wada-Cutter弁のUCG : 第32回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- 連合弁膜症における一弁手術後の他弁の動態について
- 9. 小児における弁完全置換術(第 2 回集会, 日本小児外科学会北海道地方会)
- 和田Hingeless弁の血行力学的研究 : 第2報
- 122. 5 カ月乳児の縦隔神経芽細胞腫の手術例(縦隔)
- 123. 胸壁および縦隔洞淋巴管腫の 1 治験例について(縦隔)
- I-C-8. 食道静脈瘤に対する外科治療(第29回食道疾患研究会)
- 7.心筋梗塞後発生した不整脈に対する手術的治療 : I.不整脈の外科
- 18)Sick Sinus Syndromeを合併せる僧帽弁狭窄症に対する外科治療 : 第31回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- 三枝ブロックを伴った若年者心筋硬塞の緊急ペーシング治験例 : 第29回日本循環器学会北海道地方会
- 人工弁置換術の変遷と長期予後-1-人工弁の変遷と2,3の問題点
- 人工弁置換術後の遠隔成績--10年以上生存例の検討およびUCGによる弁機能不全の診断(トピック)
- 人工弁移植後の心音図的研究 : 第18回日本循環器学会北海道地方会総会
- 人工弁移植術後血行動態の心音図による研究
- 121. 小児縦隔腫瘍 8 例の臨床経験(縦隔)
- 119. 小児縦隔腫瘍の手術例について(縦隔)
- 120. 稀有な小児縦隔腫瘍症例の検討(縦隔)
- 118. 興味ある小児縦隔腫瘍(縦隔)
- われわれの開発した新しい人工弁(Hingeless Valve)
- 我々の開発したHingeless Valveの血行力学的研究
- 弁完全置換術の臨床 : 日本循環器学会第14回北海道地方会総会