1. Hemodynanlic Aspect of Left Ventricular Failurei
- 論文の詳細を見る
A total of 52 cases including 4 normal subject and 48 patients with various heart diseases with or without failure were studied in resting state and under the acute effects of drugs with right and trans-septal left heart catheterization, and radioisotope indicator-dilution method. In this study, special attention was directed to the analysis of myocardial mechanics regulating the left ventricular performance and the following conclusions were obtained : 1) Patients with moderate or severe failure showed a decrease in cardiac index, stroke index, left ventricular fraction ejected per beat, MCSR, MSER and an increase in EDV, where-as patients without failure or those with mild failure had normal or increased cardiac index and stroke volume. 2) Measurements of EDP and EDV in association with the calculation of CSR, T and F as shown in our study proved to be useful in the analysis of the effects of drugs on inotropism, chronotropism or afterload of the left ventricle.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1966-01-20
Nakanishi Atsuo
The 2nd Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
UEDA Hideo
The 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Ueda Hideo
The 2nd Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Ueada H.
The 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
- 1. Hemodynanlic Aspect of Left Ventricular Failurei
- Some Hemodynamic and Clinico-pathological Consideration of Congestive Heart Failure with Special Reference to Therapeutic Effect