224) Urinary Excretion of Catechol Amines in the Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1960-12-20
The Maekawa Clinic, Kyoto University
Seriu Y.
The Maekawa Clinic Kyoto University
Maekawa M.
The Maekawa Clinic Kyoto University
The Maekawa Clinic, Kyoto University
- 230) Another Human Hypertension of Goldblatt Type cased by ""Tubular Hypoplasia"" of Aorta with Thrombosis(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 197) Clinical Studies on ""Water-Electrolytes Regulation Mechanism"" in the Chronic Congestive Heart Failure(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 15) Study on the Influence of Ventricular Dilatation and Ventricular Hypertrophy upon Electrocardiogram (Preliminary Report)(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part I])
- 193) Paper Electrophoretic Studies on the Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins in N.C.A.(Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 243) Study on the Vascular Disturbances by Angiography (I) : CEREBRAL VESSEL(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 120) Experimental Studies Concerning the Relationship Between Electrocardiographic Findings and Cardiac Metabolism. (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 264,265,266,267) Experimental Studies on the Spinal Regulation of Circulation and Respiration : Report I. Ecgic changes and arrhythmia evoked by spinal stimulation. : Report 2. Analysis of effective stimulation.(Abstracts of Papers Presented At the 20th A
- 195) Mechanism of Dyspnea in Neurocirculatory Asthenia (N.C.A.) (II)(Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 204) Studies on Kidney ATPase (I)(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 203) Studies on the Serum Acid ATPase(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 235) Cardiac and Renal Functions in Respect to the Electrolyte Metabolism(Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 41) On the serum ATP-ase (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 40) Adenosinetriphosphatase, Pyrophosphatase and Glycerophosphatase Activities in Human Urine (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 39) Pressor and Depressor Substances in the Plasma (III) (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese circulation Society)
- 174) Glycerol-treatment of the kidney slice(Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 173) Pressor and Depressor Substances in The Plasma : (or Sera)(1)(2)(Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 172) On the ATP-dephosphorylating activity in human sera(Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 170) Experimental Studies on Kidney-ATPase Hypertension in Albinorats, Especially treated with DCA and NaCl.(Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulatiion Society
- 89) Studies on ATP-ase of the Cardio-vascular System (I)
- 84〜85) Purification of Kidney ATPase : its Enzymological and Biological Studies (IV)-(V)
- 108) The Changes in the Vessels of Rats by Repeated Intraperitoneal and Subcutaneous Administration of Kidney ATP-ase(Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 105) Experimental Hypertension in Dogs Following the Repeated Intvavenous Injection of Kidney-ATPase(Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 227) Clinical Data of Lanatosida A (T-211-L)(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 220) Studies on the Structure and Function of the Cardiac Muscle (II) : ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 38) A Clinical Study on the Conditions Partaking in the Development of Essential Hypertension (First Report) (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 224) Urinary Excretion of Catechol Amines in the Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 173) Adrenal Function Test in Neurocirculatory Asthenia and the other Analogous Neuroses : 1) DETERMINATION OF 17 OHCS EXCRETION IN URINE : 2) SUCCESSIVE ACTH TEST(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 36) On the Combined Treatment of Serpasil and Quinidine in Auricular Fibrillation(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part I])
- 1) About the Polarization in Electrocardiogram(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part I])
- 229) A Case Report of Hyponatremic Syndrome possibly due to Defficiency of Sodium Retaining Factors(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])