- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1976-06-20
Kohagura Kentaro
琉球大学 第三内科
KAMBARA Hirofumi
Osaka Red Cross Hospital
3rd Division of Internal Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
3rd Division of Internal Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
Hirose Kunihiko
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med Faculty of Med., Kyoto Univ.
Matsuyama Eiichi
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med Faculty of Med., Kyoto Univ.
Ishizawa Kyoko
3rd Div. Dept. of Intern. Med.
3rd Div. Dept. of Intern. Med., Kyoto Univ., Sch. of Med.
Ishizawa Kazutoshi
Osaka Hospital Jap. National Railways.
Ishizawa Kazutoshi
3rd Department Of Medicine Kyoto University
Ishizawa Kyoko
3rd Div. Dept Of Intern. Med. & 2nd Div. Dept Of Surg. Kyoto Univ. Faculty Of Med.
Konishi Nobuya
Dept. of Intern. Med., National Himeji Hospital
Hirose Kunihiko
Dept. of Intern. Med. II. Kyoto Univ.
Ishizawa Kyoko
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Kambara Hirofumi
The 3rd Division Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Kodama Kazuhisa
Internal Medicine Nephrology And Hypertension St. Marianna University School Of Medicine
Hirose Kunihiko
Teri Hosptial.
Hirose Kunihiko
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Kawai Chuichi
3rd Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Konishi Nobuya
Dept. Of Intern. Med. National Himeji Hospital
Konishi Nobuya
Dept. Of Intern. Med. National Himeji Hospital.
Wakabayashi Akira
The 3rd Division Department Of Internal Medicine Facutly Of Medicine Kyoto University
Wakabayashi Akira
The Department Of Medicine Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Himeji National Hosp.
Matsuyama Eiichi
The 3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto Univ.
Wakakabayashi Akira
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Faculty of Med., Kyoto University.
Akiguchi Ichiro
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Faculty of Med., Kyoto University.
Okazaki Hitoshi
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Faculty of Med., Kyoto University.
Kadota Kazunori
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Faculty of Med., Kyoto University.
Yasunaga Koheisho
3rd Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Faculty of Med., Kyoto University.
Imai Mutsuo
Dept. of Intern. Med., National Himeji Hospital.
Murata Yasuo
Dept, of Intern. Med., Nagahama Red Cross Hospital.
Imai Mutsuo
Dept. Of Intern. Med. National Himeji Hospital.
Murata Yasuo
Dept Of Intern. Med. Nagahama Red Cross Hospital.
Okazaki Hitoshi
The 3rd Div. Dept Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto Univ.
Akiguchi Ichiro
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Kadota K
Department Of Internal Medicine Hyogo Hospital
Ishikawa Kaichiro
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Fujiwara Tetsuji
3rd Div. Dept. Of Inten. Med. Facul. Of Med. Kyoto Univ.
Fujiwara Tetsuji
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Wakabayashi Akira
Maekawa Clinic Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Yasunaga Koheisho
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
Ishizawa Kyoko
3rd Department Of Medicine Kyoto University
Wakabayashi Akira
The 3rd Division Of Internal Medicine Kyoto University
Matsuyama Eiichi
3rd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med. Faculty Of Med. Kyoto University.
- One-year effectiveness and safety of open-label losartan/hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy in Japanese patients with hypertension uncontrolled with ARBs or ACE inhibitors
- PJ-004 Inflammatory Markers at the Site of Culprit Coronary Plaque in Acute Myocardial Infarction(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical (pathophysiology)-3 (IHD) PJ1,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- Early, Accurate, Non-Invasive Predictors of Left Main or 3-Vessel Disease in Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome
- PJ-635 Effect of Olmesartan on Tissue Expression Balance between Angiotensin II Receptor and Its Inhibitory Binding Molecule(PJ107,Cardiomyopathy/Hypertrophy (Basic, Clinical) (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanes
- The Japanese Society of Hypertension Committee for Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension
- PJ-685 Prognostic Value of APACHE II Score for Patients Suffering Massive Pulmonary Embolism(PJ115,Thromboembolism/Antithrombotic Therapy/Thrombolysis (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Accumulation of common polymorphisms is associated with development of hypertension : a 12-year follow-up from the Ohasama study
- Asymptomatic Cerebral Microbleeds Seen in Healthy Subjects Have a Strong Association With Asymptomatic Lacunar Infarction(Stroke)
- Novel Method of Predicting the Optimal Atrioventricular Delay in Patients With Complete AV Block, Normal Left Ventricular Function and an Implanted DDD Pacemaker
- Plaque Location in the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery and Tissue Characteristics in Angina Pectoris : An Integrated Backscatter Intravascular Ultrasound Study