左心系補助循環 (特に心拍同調動脈反脈動法) の冠循環, 並びに心筋酸素代謝に及ぼす効果
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The basic principle of Synchronized Arterial Counterpulsation (SAC-P), as described by Clauss in 1961, appears to be both simple and sound on first inspection. If the blood is removed from the aorta just before and during ventricular systole, the resistance against which the left ventricle must eject can be reduced. The same volume of blood is then returned during ventricular diastole, possibly raising the aortic diastolic pressure and aiding the peripheral perfusion, particularly the coronary perfusion. Controversy, however, continues regarding the effect of this procedure. In the previous studies on assisted circulation, the authors satisfactorily demonstrated favorable hemodynamical changes during SAC-P, but it was thought that only hemodynamical study could not fully clarify its effect on the myocardium. Therefore, so as to assess the effect of SAC-P, the author has attempted to investigate the changes in the coronary hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism of the myocardium induced by SAC-P and to evaluate its effect in aspect of the myocardial oxygen metabolism. In order to prove the effect of this procedure, such parameters as the coronary sinus blood flow, coronary vascular resistance, exchange of oxygen, lactate and pyruvate between the aortic blood and the myocardium, lactate-pyruvate ratio (L/P ratio), myocardial excess lactate (XL) and redox potential (ΔEh) were determined. Lactate and pyruvate are of interest in the myocardial metabolism for two reasons: (1) The myocardium is the main mammalian tissue known to be capable of utilizing lactate as a substrate for energy production; and (2) lactate and pyruvate hold an important position in relation to anaerobic metabolism. Myocardial excess lactate (XL) and redox potential (ΔEh), calculated by the arterio-venous concentration of the two substrates, have been considered as the indicators of cellular oxygenation and are used quantitatively as a measure of anaerobic rate in myocardial metabolism. Thus, the author has attempted to find out the most useful of all parameters measured, in order to estimate the effect of SAC-P on the myocardium with rapidity and accuracy. The pump used in this study was a Davol Heart Pump Model 8500, which was connected to a cannule inserted into the aortic root through the brachiocephalic artery or the abdominal aorta. After pericardiotomy the catheters for the pressure-measurement and the blood sampling were inserted into the left ventricle and the aorta.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1968-11-20
- 拡張期注入法による冠動脈造影法について(第3報) : 第24回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 電気的心室細動発生装置使用による開心術について : 第24回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 209)各種薬剤の心拍同調下選択的冠動脈内輸注法について : 講演会一般演題
- 187)左心系補助循環の適応に関する考察 : 講演会一般演題
- 139)房室完全ブロックの外科的治療の試み : 講演会一般演題
- 101) 慢性心不全に対する夜間低用量酸素療法の効果 : パルスオキシメーターによる検討(日本循環器学会 第114回東海地方会)
- 興味ある経過を辿ったValsalva洞動脈瘤破裂の1治験例 : 第21回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 補助循環の効果判定に必要な諸指標
- 心拍同調冠動脈撮影法(第2報)
- 心筋収縮力の指標としてのdp/dt/II Tについて : 第21回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 各種補助循環のExcess Lactate, Redox Potential 等に及ぼす影響 : 第21回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 心筋収縮力の指標としてのIsometric TimeTension Index(dp/dt/IIT)
- 108) 熱中症が誘因となり心筋壊死を来たした1症例(日本循環器学会 第96回東海地方会)
- 補助循環の臨床応用に関する考察
- 左心系補助循環 (特に心拍同調動脈反脈動法) の冠循環, 並びに心筋酸素代謝に及ぼす効果